Welcome to Australia's first national community-based futures planning process
We have it in our power to create the world anew
Frequently Asked Questions
Click here to find out how you can suggest a Target or Strategy for inclusion in Australia Together.
Frequently Asked Questions about Australia Together
Click here for answers to these questions about Australia Together:
What is Australia Together?
Why is Australia Together being built?
How is Australia Together being built?
How does the planning process work for Australia Together?
Who is running the planning process for Australia Together?
What is the structure of Australia Together?
In Australia Together, who decides what's in the plan?
How are decisions made about inclusions in the plan?
What if there is disagreement about what is in the plan?
Where did the draft Vision for Australia Together come from?
Can our governments be compelled by Australia Together?
Can Australians be compelled by Australia Together?
If the plan cannot compel a government, why bother to participate in building Australia Together?
How does Australia Together cater for diversity?
How can I participate in development of Australia Together?
How is community engagement for Australia Together organised?
Find more fact sheets about Australia Together here.
Frequently Asked Questions about National Integrated Planning & Reporting - National IP&R
Click here for answers to these questions about National IP&R?
What is Integrated Planning & Reporting?
What is National Integrated Planning & Reporting or National IP&R?
What does the IP&R process involve?
What is the benefit of National IP&R?
What are the disadvantages of National IP&R?
How does IP&R work in practice?
How difficult is IP&R?
How does National IP&R work within Australia's democracy?
How are the elements of National IP&R organised?
What is ACFP's role in relation to National IP&R?
Can National IP&R help us build a plan for a whole nation?
Can National IP&R help us build a plan for our entire economy?
Can National IP&R help us mitigate climate change?
Want to know more about National IP&R?
What is the Australia Together National Wellbeing Index?
Click here for answers to questions about the Australia Together National Wellbeing Index:
What is the Australia Together National Wellbeing Index?
How is the Australia Together National Wellbeing Index assembled?
How can Targets and Strategies be selected for inclusion in the Australia Together National Wellbeing Index?
How is reporting on progress made transparent?
What does the Index monitor?​
Community engagement for Australia Together
Open, inclusive and transparent community engagement is essential to the task of building a sound plan for a better Australia.
ACFP provides ongoing opportunities for Australians to engage in this process at any time. Between 2020 and 2022 ACFP developed and began pilot testing the National Integrated Planning & Reporting process to help all Australians participate efficiently in planning their preferred future as a nation. The first cycle of planning for National IP&R was conducted with an open program called the Community Engagement Program for Australia Together. This program was completed in 2022. Read the completed program here.
Click here for information about community engagement for the second cycle of National IP&R.
Click here to get involved in building
Australia Together
How to suggest Targets and Strategies for inclusion in Australia Together
Would you like to suggest a Target or Strategy for inclusion in Australia Together? There is an easy process. Find out how to do it here.