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Keys to implementation of Australia Together

ACFP is a centre of excellence in long term, integrated planning for the democratic nation of Australia. This entails deep research into matters that affect Australia’s future but also development of practical approaches to institutional and policy reforms that will be necessary to ensure that the full potential of Australia Together comes to pass.


Information about strategies for key institutional and policy reforms are provided on this page.

Key strategies maximising the prospects for successful implementation of Australia Together.

AT ACFP we recognise that it's not enough to develop a great plan to help Australians make their Vision for Australia Together a reality. We also need to convince governments about the need to implement the plan. For this we will need reforms to institutions of democracy to make them more inclusive and to shift governments away from their top-down approach to policy setting and law making and towards a much greater focus on collaboration with Australians. 


To that end, ACFP has identified three key Strategies for institutional and policy reform that are likely to be critical in getting governments to take notice of Australia Together and, more importantly, to learn to collaborate with Australians to build the future we want.

The three key Strategies which have the most potential to increase the chance of the necessary inclusive collaboration between governments and the Australian community are:


  1. the Collaborative Constitutional Convention proposed under Gov04.01, Gov04.01.01 and other related Strategies;

  2. the collaborative process for development of a National Accord on Wealth, Welfare and Wellbeing under Econ04.02 and related Strategies, particularly those which have the potential to transition Australia towards universal income security and universal services security, namely those for establishment of:

    • a process of citizen-led design of a universal basic income (UBI) for all Australians under Econ04.02.04 and related Strategies, and

    • a process of collaboration with the Australian community to select fair reforms of taxation sufficient to fund services vital to the wellbeing of all Australians as per Econ04.03, Econ04.03.01 and related Strategies; and

  3. the National People’s Voice under Gov01.04 and the Independent Commission for National Engagement and Integrated Planning proposed under Gov01.04.01 and related Strategies.


​These three key groups of inter-related Strategies have been chosen due to the benefits they offer in reforms of Australia's democracy. ACFP asserts that they are a priority, even above Strategies that are designed to deal with imminent existential threats such as climate change and nuclear war. This is because Australia must fix the shortfalls of its own democracy before it can expect to overcome shortfalls in policy on climate change and war. Democratic institutional reforms are a prerequisite to all other policy reforms, and key to the necessary reforms of democratic institutions is the need to develop the commitment and skills within the federal government and the federal public service to collaborate with the Australian people before setting national policies.    


Information on and links to programs to advance the selected key institutional reforms will be posted on this page as they develop. 


Find information on the program for a Collaborative Constitutional Convention here.


Find information on the program for collaboration on a National Accord on Wealth, Welfare and Wellbeing here.


Find information on the collaborative program for development of a universal basic income (UBI) here.


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